Nunjucks Components in Eleventy & Storybook
The kinda-boring front end of an Eleventy project that demonstrates using Storybook with Nunjucks components.
Component examples
Here are two instances of a button component built using a single Nunjucks macro:
They’re injected into this page using the encapsulated component pattern:
{%- from "components/component.njk" import component -%}
{{ component( "button", {
label: "Primary",
primary: true,
size: "large"
}) }}
Using Nunjucks macros for components is awesome, but you’re probably here because of the Storybook integration ☺️
- See Using Storybook with Nunjucks components in Eleventy for a detailed walkthrough on how this site’s copy of Storybook is configured to work with Nunjucks macros
- If you’d like to poke around this site’s Storybook, a static build is live on Netlify
Get in touch
Have a question? Running into trouble? Find a cool variation or improvement? Give me a shout!